choke hold / strangle hold

Thursday, August 17, 2006

black metal

God bless the Danish.

Not to jinx things or anything, but I may as well tell you guys that I have bought an apartment. As of this afternoon, I will have removed the subjects from the contract. At the end of the month lots of funky things involving notaries, banks, and possibly lawyers will happen.

September 1st, I will be given the keys to my new home.

Seeing that I have oodles of expenses coming up (those extra bureaucratic fees add up *very* quickly) it seems like a good time for Lief and I to buy the hell out of some Danish furniture and push our VISA limits to the max.

A few nights ago, L and I drove way out to Mission and had the opportunity to poke around in the basement of a mod furniture “lifestyler”. There is really no other way to describe the level of design/ form/ function of this guy’s house. The whole basement was filled with teak, in all states of dis/repair. The salesman and his wife have some amazing pieces – many that they will be taking with them when they move into their new home (their new home, btw, was pretty much designed around an 8 ft arc lamp that they have – which called for a mega-open floor plan).

L and I drove home from Mission with three chairs (photo examples above) and a wonderfully worn teak coffee table. The chairs that we bought are not in as good shape as the photo above, but they are adorable, sturdy and radtastic.

After a couple more sandings, some teak oil, and some TLC, our coffee table is going to be ready for action. Who knew oiling wood would be so fun?

Tonight L and I will continue the spending spree by picking up the arc lamp (above) from a guy in Delta. It stands almost 6 ft high. I imagine it will have no choice but to be the focal point of our livingroom (keep in mind that the new apartment is only 580 sq ft).

Things that I hope to buy before moving in to the place in October:
- teak credenza with some kinda storage space (rather than one that is just all ‘display’ space)
- king sized bed + frame + headboard
- dresser
- small computer desk that will accommodate my computer + Lief’s laptop
- more lighting
- a couple large bookshelves (I intend to leave my old ones in behind Value Village during the moving process)
- hangers (oh, I know that sounds weird, but I have a strange fetish for matching hangers. Again, my current hangers will be left at VV)

The other things that are on my WANT list can wait.

I will keep you posted as the spree of domesticity continues.


At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Danes are furniture gods, teak is beautiful, and I am both excited and jealous that you are getting a place! More excited than jealous, truth be told! So many exclamation marks!


At 2:41 PM, Blogger choke_hold said...


thank you for all of your exclamation marks!!!

i am sure that there will be some sort of mid-october house-swarming party. i hope you will come. you can introduce your bum to our new hella danish chairs.


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