choke hold / strangle hold

Friday, August 13, 2004

clorox girls

as a sign of his love and devotion, miikey drove me to the doctor yesterday. as a sign of my love and devotion, i went with him to a men’s clothing store and gave him my honest opinion on some fancy pants dress clothes.

going to get checked for stds is never a fun visit, no matter how careful you are about your sexual practices. as much as i would like to make light of how awkward and infuriating this visit was, the hypochondriac in me is going to be waiting impatiently for the two weeks until all the results are back.

ok, i can’t help but tell you that my pap was done by doctor beaver. nuff said.

i am going to relay, as best i can, the conversation that was had between myself and doctor beaver. keep in mind that he is not my regular doctor. i have never seen the guy before. he works in the same office as my gp. and so here it goes:

(i am sitting on the gyno-table, nude from the waist down, undersized sheet across my lap. quick knock, and doctor beaver enters - stage right)

dr - what can i do for you today?

me - hi. i received a message from a boy that i used to fuck. he said that he suspected that he might...

dr - okay, back that up a bit. you received a message?

me - yes. a boy that i used to have sex with told me that he suspected that he may have an std. he suggested that i go and get tested. i figured i was due for a check up anyway, so i would like you to run the full range of std tests.

dr - so what are your symptoms?

me - i have no symptoms.

dr - what symptoms is your exboyfriend having?

me - my exboyfriend? oh, yeah, the guy that i used to have sex with? he wouldn’t say. anyway, i know him to be a bit of a hypochondriac. i am not all that concerned that he gave me an std or vice versa. i just wanted to come in and get checked. for piece of mind for both of us. and i like i said, i should probably have one anyway.

dr - so, you have a *lot* of sexual partners.

me - i don’t know about a *lot*, but a fair number.

dr - hmmmmmm. when was the last time you came in for testing?

me - hard to say. i would guess it has been almost a year.

dr - (flipping through my enormous medical file) it was in december 2003. does that sound right to you?

me - yeah, could be. i have MS, so i end up seeing a load of doctors. it’s hard to keep track of when things happen.

dr - it hasn’t even been a year since your last testing. is this normal for you, to be getting tested more than once a year?

me - yes. i usually try to get tested every 6 months.

dr - that’s odd. usually it is only specific populations that get tested with that kind of frequency.

me - oh yeah?

dr - yes. young women, many of them around your age, working in the sex trade, they tend to come in more often to get tested. (looks up at me to see if i have anything to ‘confess’)

me - well, i was under the impression that people who are sexually active should get tested regularly, no matter how many people they are having sex with. that’s what i am here to do.

our conversation continues during the lubing and swabbing session.

during our little visit, here are the fun things that doctor beaver insinuated and/or said outright:
- only sex trade workers get checked more than once a year (therefor, i am a sex trade worker).
- if i come in to get tested this often, there is something obviously suspect about my sexual practices.
- women have sex with their boyfriends. men have sex with their girlfriends.
- if i get tested this frequently, i am probably someone who has had a few abortions (despite any lack of physical evidence that would support this theory).
- it is surprising that someone with my kind of illness is getting laid enough to warrant all these std check ups.

he tells me to go downstairs to get my blood work and urine tests done. i should call in two weeks to see if the results are in, and then make an appointment to discuss those results with my regular doctor.

thank you doctor beaver. this appointment has been both useful and enlightening.


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a fucking jerk! I've had stupid doctors like that before too. I had one who gave me shit because I went in asking for birth control pills I used to regularly take, and he was totally unwilling to prescribe them to me (and was actually quite angry) because he had none of my previous medical records.

I had another one who was so obviously uncomfortable about giving me a pap smear because he was male and I was a young female. he kept suggesting that I could have a nurse in the room with us if that made me feel more comfortable. I didn't really care, but I thought it would make him more comfortable. He was so nervous. WTF.

I try to go to female doctors now, though in your sitch I could easily see a female doctor giving you the same treatment. :( sux0rz.

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

forgot to sign my name.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger rabblerocket said...

I'll second Marlo -- he was being a fucking jerk. You held it together far better than I imagine I would have.

I wonder how he treats the sex trade workers who do happen to have an appointment with him.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger psychicle said...

I wish you could be like, "Usually it is only specific populations of doctors that impart their sexual hangups on their patients: the BAD ONES."

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did this man get his medical degree? Any sexual health educator will tell you that it is common to be tested every 6 months and advisable if you are sexually active with more than one partner!! I hope no working ladies are going to see him...can you imagine?? The STD clinic on 12th is so much more sex-positive, next time we will go together there! I need to get my wang swabbed soon anyway, wanna come and support me?

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I demand an update! I am going to start chanting O-VER-SHARE!


et cetera, ad nauseum.

<3 Marlo

At 10:10 PM, Blogger rabblerocket said...

Post post post post
I am holding your love/hate letter hostage until I see more overshare here, kiddo.

Affectionately yours,

At 1:07 AM, Blogger choke_hold said...

yay! your body prolly *is* running smoothly. despite the 'information' provided to me by dr. beaver, i think that it is still a good idea to go for a fun std test every 6 months - even if you don't change partners (what is this? square dancing?) very often.

i think that i am going to start hosting std-checking parties. every 6 months i will shuttle people down to the clinic on 12th and we can sweat it out *together* (and afterwards we can all go out for corn-dogs or something).

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so messed up. what is it with doctors being offensive fuckheads when they have their hands up your crotch? i've totally had gross experiences like that when i've gone for gyno checks.
too bad you can't smack them with the smart stick.

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, here's something for you. Me and my friend Vince used to skate that one nice metal edged bench out front the STD place on 12th (by the way we're booth in our late 20's now...)

So anyway, somehow I managed to trick a girl into dating me a few months ago and she thought it would be a good idea for me to go in there and get checked out before I got to have any fun. well, we broke up the next week and I never actually went in. But that bench out front is pretty fun, the metal part on the side is sort of rounded so though so it's hard to lock into a solid grind on it. The interlocking brick on the ground makes it a bit tough for rolling up on the thing too, but it adds a real street skating feel to it. I know I'm going to have to go in there one day... but untill then, the bench it is!

- david

At 2:31 PM, Blogger goodurs said...

i like my doctor. she only gets mad at me if i don't come in often enough. and thinking about it, that's probably a good thing. gina's never been to a boy doctor, she's not interested.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger rabblerocket said...


my vote is: test now! you'll be fun-ready next time an unsuspecting lass falls prey to your charms. werd.

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good call! They sure aren't falling prey to my backside feeble grinds!



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