choke hold / strangle hold

Friday, September 08, 2006

she blinded me with science

I just wrote to the folks at the Masters in Genetic Counselling program at UBC to ask them how I could best utilize my background in Women’s Studies, Sociology, and Counselling in order to excel in their program. Ha! Bit of a longshot. I reckon I would have two years of science in front of me before I would be eligible to apply to their program.

Does it make a difference that I *intended* to do sciences at SFU? For those of you who have known me less than 5 years, you may not know that I actually went to SFU to do Physics and Math. No shit.

I think I took one Biology course, some 1st year Calculus, and some kind of Environmental Sciences Class (help me out here, Dalia – you were there! Remember? Woah!) before I quickly shifted gears into post-colonial, post-modern, gender-sex-sexuality-queerio-freakazoid studies.

I meant to head towards some kinda quantum physics realm and I ended up writing papers on a feminist’s right to be a kinky slut. What gives?

And now the hunt for a Masters program is on.

Really, the only reason I even know what a Genetic Counsellor does is because I have met several of them along the MS Path of Making Friends and Influencing People.

I have about two months to get my ass in gear if I want to start a program in 2007. I think we can safely say that the outcome is unlikely. I have one of my academic references lined up and I have a couple solid work/ research/ professional references.

The problem is…where do I apply….?


At 1:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was REM (Resource and Environmental Management) 100, or Environmental Science 100. One of the 2. I *do* know who taught it. d.


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