choke hold / strangle hold

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


The jury is still out on whether or not our neighbors are as happy as we are about our new window coverings in the bedroom. Thanks to amazing donations received at the house-swarming party last week, Lief and I had more than half the money that we needed to purchase some lovely chocolate-brown blinds for the bedroom.

Last night Lief put them up. They look fabulous. For reals. Come over and see them for yourself if you don’t believe me.

Not only did we collect cash for the bedroom blinds, but we also collected about 40 pairs of socks to give out to INSITE participants. I was totally overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of sock-wear that you guys brought. From what I understand, socks can actually be a life-saver (and a blessing) on really bad/ cold/ damp days here in Vancouver. I am sure that these socks were distributed within less than half a day at INSITE. That gives you a small indication of the need of these types of goods in the east side. Thank you.

To top it all off, Lief and I now have a heap of booze at our house. *Everyone* brought more booze than they drank. Subsequently, we now have a liquor cabinet that is rock and rolla, outta controlla. The only thing that we don’t have is whiskey (which I discovered upon inquiring about a whiskey sour last night). Most of the alcohol comes in the form of hard liquor. C’mon over and mix yourself up something good. A special thank you, of course, goes to Sarah – who mixed drinks for even the most vague drinkers at the party (“Yeah, sure. I would like a drink. Um, I dunno what I want... Surprise me!”). Thanks Sarah! We couldn’t have gotten tipsy without you.


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