choke hold / strangle hold

Friday, May 25, 2007


The plans (so far) for the summer include: Halifax, Princeton and Gambier Island.

I keep forgetting that I am actually going to Halifax for a conference. I must remember that I am there to work/ learn and not just to search for rock and roll/ heavy metal gigs and drink wine.

Only 5 more sleeps!

I don’t really know what we are going to do there when I am not in conferences, but I look forward to finding out!

Upon my return, I have a full week off, which I plan to spend at home with my cat. We are going to maybe make sure buttons for people and get going on some crafting jobs that I would like to see come to fruition.

L. and I had tentatively planned to go and stay over on Gambier Island for a whole month this summer, but that was before he took his contract position. Thus, we will have to revisit the idea next year.

If we go and live at Gambier for a month, we plan to coordinate ongoing visits with people. Stay for a couple days – stay for a week! We will make tasty food, play cards, go swimming, and have late night dance parties. You’ll see… but for that, you will have to wait a year.

For now, I make friends with the Haligonians… and maybe some Acadians.


At 3:34 AM, Blogger goodurs said...

ooooh! i hope you do stay for a month there next year. we will definitely come for a visit that involves food, cards and relaxation!

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Word to rock 'n roll and wine!


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