choke hold / strangle hold

Thursday, January 27, 2005

add it up

Could I be more excited? Prolly not.

Today was birthday lunch. Omigod. So many good peoples and fun stories and presents (For me? Oh, why thank you!).

I wonder if my heart is going to burst into flames before the huge Saturday ‘Office Party’ blowout occurs. I am so giddy that my brain has completely stopped working.

For those of you that have been keeping tabs…

1. Yes, there will be a water cooler.
2. Yes, the j-roys + mike flintoff will be spinning records all night.
3. Yes, you *do* have to dress for the occasion – professional/ business casual.
4. No, there will be no photocopy machine. It just wasn’t feasible.

If you have any questions about the party, please call me before Saturday.

Today I celebrate my birth.



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