choke hold / strangle hold

Thursday, April 13, 2006

master of the puppets

In less than a week I have a meeting with the head of one of the three departments that I am hoping will accept me into their Masters programs. I have always said that the outlook was ‘doubtful’ that I would ever return to post-sec, especially to do my Masters.

And yet, I have always been fully and passionately committed to education as a ‘cause’ or as an ‘issue’. I believe that education is a pivotal part of healthy and progressive communities. I believe that education should be accessible to all those that want to participate. I believe that strong education systems help to reduce many other social and personal problems. I believe that time spent engaging in critical thought and inquiry is time well spent – and that it should be a *right* (not a privilege) for people to engage in research and scholarly activity.

All this being said… I had never imagined myself continuing on after my Bachelors Degree.

The way that I have decided to go on (and the way that I have chosen my route of study) has been, on one hand, careless in nature. On the other hand, it makes perfect sense that I would be seeking to complete the Public Policy program at SFU (MPP) or in the Studies in Policy & Practice (MA) or Public Administration (MPA) at UVic.

At this point, I am not really sure what the hell I am doing (or why). In a few days I will meet with a senior administrator and attempt to talk my way into a program - - - before I am even sure why I want to be there.

For some reason, I know this is what I should be doing.

Wish me success.


At 4:52 AM, Blogger goodurs said...

much success and luck!

At 8:55 PM, Blogger rabblerocket said...

I wish you excellence in ass-kicking! You'll be great.

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

xo jeff hayes

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Chantelle said...

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

At 10:19 PM, Blogger psychicle said...

It's time for your brilliance to know no bounds again. Do it up! This is excellent news and I wish you nothing but luck and success along the way. In fact, please continue to inspire me to pursue higher education.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger choke_hold said...

i love that basically everyone that reads/knows about this blog is so excited for me to nerd it up. see today's (april 19th) post for an update on the education front.

i have ten full months to make some decisions and get all my applications in. i am still browsing for possible programs. if you guys have any suggestions - throw them my way.


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