jump they say
You may be wondering where I am, but I doubt it.
In order to keep tabs on myself, I have created the following schedule. I have made short notes on what I plan to do/ accomplish during each leg of the journey:
May 13th – 16th
Gambier Island
- walking, reading, making out, cooking, exploring, knitting, watching.
May 25th – June 5th
Montreal and Ottawa
- working, slacking, swimming, eating, shopping, driving, visiting, observing, fretting.
July 8th – 25th
- tubing, campfiring, helping, cleaning, hugging, hot springing, lazing, driving, climbing.
Are you coming with me? I sure hope so.
umm... sounds great, but i bit concerned about the lack of making out and hugging, etc. listed for may 25-june 5. will you be really sick then or something? should i send a card?
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