choke hold / strangle hold

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

hem of your garment

i had been planning on leaving for winlaw two days ago, but because of the miraculous gift of Unholy Alliance tour box seats (avec free booze + vegetarian snacks), plans changed. me and the posse will be leaving at a decent hour on saturday morning.

i have booked from july 8th - 26th off work. if you check your calendar, that means that i have this whole week off work to prepare for the trip. i thought that this meant i could sleep in, putter, go to the gym and go swimming, do a bit of shopping (for shorts, a new bikini top, some kicks, my first pair of flip-flops, etc.), and browse for masters programs online. so far, none of those things have really happened.

busy. against all odds, i find myself BUSY.

here’s the good news: tomorrow (today, technically) i have my intake interview to become a literacy tutor for the program run through douglas college. the i-care program (individualized community adult reading education) allows folks to be linked up for one-on-one literacy tutoring.

because of the enormous social assistance and community program cutbacks, programs such as this one have suffered immeasurably. i am sure that i will learn more about it as time goes on, but it has become increasingly difficult for literacy programs to: 1/ find the clients that need them most 2/ deliver their services to those clients without breaking some sort of governmental rule.

from what i understand, the i-care program is only able to intake and train about 20 volunteers per year. they have an intensive intake process and a lengthy and specialized training program (i think it is 6 x 7 hour training classes).

if you have ever thought that the process to get a job was competitive and unwieldy, imagine doing that to get a volunteer position. anyone who read and/ or edited my intake application will surely tell you that the intake forms were *intense*.

if i am not admitted to become a tutor this year, i will not be terribly upset. there are individuals who have been on the waiting list for a couple of years. i will try again next year!

the moral of the story is that i will be in a 1.5 hour interview (which i am sure will include some tests of my grammar and spelling!) this afternoon.

while i did have visions of sleeping late, racing around in the pool, and eating leisurely meals this week - - - it is hard to feel too put out by the opportunities, work, and excitement that have come my way this week.

by the time operation ‘go outside and play in winlaw’ begins, i am sure i really WILL need a vacation.

get excited: one of my other tasks for this week is to bake *two* cakes for jules’ birthday. if you have been invited, i urge you to come. surely you do not want to miss the chance to give lots of love to jules on her birthdoo and also feed your face with:

- dark chocolate layer cake with coffee frosting


- frosted apple spice cupcakes



At 3:38 PM, Blogger goodurs said...

huh. what am i thinking? if you guessed: you are the devil, then you are right.

today, when i went to get an apple juice at work, i smelled lovely lovely cinnamon and all i could think of were cinnamon buns and apple cinnamon pancakes. day-amn. i could eat either of those right now. :o(

oh yeah, good luck with reading. i think if they tell you to bring a book, you should bring porn, and say you really want people to want to read. well, okay, maybe it won't work... but definitely once you're in... like on the third week. you'd be even more of a hit than you already will be.


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