choke hold / strangle hold

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

travelin' thru

i had no idea that i knew this many people in montreal & ottawa. heck man, i have never even been to ottawa before.

regardless, in a rather uncharacteristic way, i have left most of my trip planning to the last minute. it will serve me right if i only manage to see 2 or 3 non-family-members during my little trip.

i haven’t even thought about the fact that i am going to be at a conference for the first 4 days. good lord. no offense to the conference organizers, but last year the conference was so *acutely boring* that i thought i might throw up.

just as i am eking my way out of town i have received several calls to do button pressing. this makes me *very* excited. i will do one order tonight (while i should be packing!) and do the others on the days after my return. right fucking on.

tonight i shall place an order for button parts for 5,000 more buttons. the first 1,000 has gone so quickly i can’t believe it.

a certain girl.

if you have any last minute suggestions of things to do/ things to eat/ places to shop/ people to see while i am in montreal & ottawa - - - email me or post them.... post haste!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger rabblerocket said...

pin-press! pin-press! I'll have more deets on whether or not buttons can be part off my conference-swag budget.

Enjoy MTL and the O.T. Tell someone to take you to Patati Patata for their adorbale mini burgers and fries platter (veg option is falafel, yum)!

Also, please let me know if you know anyone in Montreal who is looking to unload a 1-bedroom apartment for August.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger choke_hold said...

hahahahah! montreal is as small as vancouver is. today lief and i were driving towards spirite lounge and we saw the sign for patati patata and had to pronounce it outloud in a variety of accents. we may or may not have a chance to go there.... so far the food has been pretty good, though not amazingly good. this town does not yet know how to do vegetarian food.


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