choke hold / strangle hold

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

wasn't that a party?

Yes, it’s true. Vacation time is upon us. So far, there have been weekends on islands. Very *very* good. Choke Hold has learned to kayak and re-learned that any more than a little sunshine is too much.

And next week?..... off to Winlaw to visit Steph and Shea and the baby chickens. I predict campfires, swimming in the river, cleaning poop off of chicken eggs, hot spring caves, beer drinking, hippy food eating, and plenty of laughing.

Who knew that I, of all people, needed a vacation? But let’s face it – I am hella looking forward to getting away, to not forwarding my calls, to sleeping in, to discarding obligations.

I have three other weeks of vacation scheduled. If you wanna go somewhere, just call me. I am interested in doing things that involve doing nothing. Make sense? Grood.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger goodurs said...

i like vacations. and i like to hear about other people going on vacations! it makes me happy! let's go somewhere at some point in august... it's not like i'll be working.

At 5:17 PM, Blogger rabblerocket said...

Can I come, too?

Oh wait, you already said yes. Whee!


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