choke hold / strangle hold

Sunday, December 25, 2005

ceci n'est pas une aubergine

for those of you that know me, this will need no explanation. i will just tell you that this website was a lovely gift from chold and sarah to me!!!

what a delicious gift. thanks sarah. thanks chold.

berry hexmas to you all. i hope this ode to eggplant brings a little more cheer to your holiday.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

screaming infidelities

There is something about talking to people online – whether they are people who you know in real life or people that you have never met (perhaps don’t intend to meet) – that seems to bring out the ‘lowest common denominator’in conversation.

I am amazed at the amount of time that I am able to spend rambling, making inside jokes, reciting popculture excerpts, talking about sex, sex and more sex.

Do you like sex? I sure like sex. Do you like to be slapped around like a circus monkey? Oh hell yeah what good times. Have you ever had this kind of sex? Why yes. This sex and that sex. Do you want to fuck me now? Yes, let’s fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck.

Oh hell, I like talking about sex with pretty much everyone, but why does the instant-message medium seem to be so ‘trash/toilet talk’ oriented?

I went through a crisis a couple years ago – during my online dating experiment days – when I began to think that all the academic crap about the internet allowing new kinds of nonjudgemental communities to arise was just plain bullshit. And years later – all I have really come to understand is: just because there is the *potential* for new and more open/free ways of being/talking to arise doesn’t mean that it will.

Are we so repressed about sex/uality that we cannot see past our cocks?