choke hold / strangle hold

Monday, July 25, 2005

you're so alone

i have stolen yvonne and taken her to a far away place. do not expect updates from either one of us for the next week.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

wasn't that a party?

Yes, it’s true. Vacation time is upon us. So far, there have been weekends on islands. Very *very* good. Choke Hold has learned to kayak and re-learned that any more than a little sunshine is too much.

And next week?..... off to Winlaw to visit Steph and Shea and the baby chickens. I predict campfires, swimming in the river, cleaning poop off of chicken eggs, hot spring caves, beer drinking, hippy food eating, and plenty of laughing.

Who knew that I, of all people, needed a vacation? But let’s face it – I am hella looking forward to getting away, to not forwarding my calls, to sleeping in, to discarding obligations.

I have three other weeks of vacation scheduled. If you wanna go somewhere, just call me. I am interested in doing things that involve doing nothing. Make sense? Grood.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

delirium trigger

as i waited behind a nameless boy in the ‘business deposits’ line... i found myself wanting.

wanting so many things.

i know this is bad.

i wanted to be able to not have to think about all the things i have to think about. i wanted to be able to hold him - hold him with arms that were free of pain - arms that moved when i told them to. i wanted to be able to remember his name. i wanted to be standing there, not so exhausted, and look him in the eyes.

i wanted to want him. and for a moment, i wanted a time when i know that he would have wanted me.

summer hit hard today. energy dangles even farther away from me.

you can expect me to hibernate. please come and visit. i need to tell you stories of things that i am learning not to want so much.

Friday, July 08, 2005

luckiest man in the world

oh, it's raining.

will that stop us from rocking the hell outta galiano island? i don't think so.

i will report back with tales of outdoor swimming, hot-tubbing, scrabbling, eating, and drinking.

hope everyone enjoys the wet weekend.