choke hold / strangle hold

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

psalm for the elks lodge last call

i’ve come to expect this from you, so i am not sure why i bother to call.

it has been a long time now. it is closing in on ten years. i knew you even before my heart really got broken. i knew you even before my ribcage welded itself shut.

and you say, in retrospect, that i wanted too much from you. and what i will tell you now is that you have never known what i wanted.

i hate that my tummy feels warm, feels somehow at home, when i spell out your name.

i hate the conversations we have. the conversations that are underpinned by the things that we have always wanted to prove to each other - underpinned by the values and statements that the other has always internally, but never externally, rejected.

the second that you answered the phone i knew that your latest girlfriend was there. i have never met her and will never meet her. she has long hair. she does modern dance. she is an environmentalist. she does not wear make up. she lives on commercial drive. she is mysterious. she is a vegetarian but also eats fish. she knows how to work a sewing machine. she is manageably distant.

the second that you answered the phone i knew that you wanted me to let you go. i let on that i knew that was what you wanted, but kept you on for ten minutes anyway. i want you to learn how to say what you really mean.

let me lead by example: we stopped being friends the night we made love, and, all these years later, we are still swimming in the debris.

Monday, September 26, 2005

every day i write the book

tamar and haig had their lovely baby boy on september 23, 2005 at 1:59am!!

welcome jivan! we are so excited to meet you.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

hungry like the wolf

I am having problems eating.

Lately, I am not so hungry. When I *am* hungry, I couldn’t tell you (for the life of me) what I might want to eat. I stare into the fridge, I stare into cupboards, I stare at menus, I walk to the grocery store and stare down the aisles. I have no idea.

My other problem with eating has been that I have been insisting on having other humans prepare my food. This (usually) means that I have to pay them. I have been eating in restaurants much too often these days. Seeing that I am also prone to picking up the tab if someone eats with me, I have been grossly overspending in the food department, despite the fact that I am eating less than normal.

So, kick me out of this food rut. I know that issue #2 of the Veganarchist Cookbook is soon to be released – but I need your help now. Please suggest a recipe for a lovely vegetarian side-dish or entrée that I may not have thought of yet.

The alternative is that you come over to my house and make me dinner and don’t tell me what you are putting into anything. I am okay with that too. I do not like celery, turnips or beets.

Thank you.

Friday, September 16, 2005


anyone want a rilo kiley CD?

'more adventurous' by rilo kiley is yours for the low, low price of $0 if you call or email within the next 72 hours.

not to put people off taking advantage of this amazing offer... but between david and i, this album has scored 4 thumbs down...

i am willing to admit that i enjoy the font used on the CD jacket. font-enthusiasts take heed.